Before calling your insurance carrier to file a claim, consider seeking legal counsel. Accident attorneys can help you gather evidence necessary to pursue legal recourse. You will likely be asked for a statement, which is why it is important to speak with an attorney before giving any statement. A statement can be used against you later if you’re not careful. Solicit legal counsel before making any statements. And never give a statement to an insurance agent until you’ve spoken to an attorney first.
Distracted driving causes motorcycle accidents

The number of motorcycle accidents has increased dramatically over the past few decades, and many blame the increase on distracted drivers. The number of motorcycle accidents was under three thousand a year in the early 1990s and hovers now at about five thousand. Distracted driving has numerous causes, including other objects, phone calls, emails, and daydreaming. Distracted drivers are also more likely to hit motorcyclists. As a result, it is essential for riders to ride defensively and use caution when on the road.
Another contributing factor to motorcycle accidents is speeding. A motorcyclist traveling at a high speed can have a hard time seeing other drivers, reducing their reaction time and potentially causing a collision with a motorcycle. Speeding also makes it more likely for the motorist to make a mistake, which increases the risk of overcorrecting. Distracted driving also contributes to fatigue and distraction, which both reduce response time.
Alcohol is a factor in 50 percent of all motorcycle accidents
Did you know that alcohol is a factor in 50 percent of motorcycle accidents? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has released new data that shows the relationship between motorcycle operator BAC and fatal crashes. Motorcyclists who have consumed alcohol in the past are twice as likely to be involved in single-vehicle crashes than those who have not consumed alcohol. This is why it is critical for motorcycle operators to wear a helmet when riding.
Studies have found that alcohol plays a large role in many motorcycle crashes. While it’s true that motorcycle operators are more likely to be involved in fatal crashes than non-drinking drivers, the percentages vary widely. In fact, one-third of motorcycle operators involved in fatal crashes had BACs of 0.08 or greater. The higher the BAC, the greater the risk of a fatal crash.
Motorcyclists are more vulnerable to injuries due to their smaller size
One of the major causes of motorcycle accidents is the failure of the other driver to notice the biker. Despite the motorcycle’s similar rights to other vehicles, they require full lane width and cannot safely share the road with other vehicles. In 2016, approximately 40% of motorcycle crashes were caused by a car turning left in front of the biker. Because motorcycles are so small, drivers can’t always see the biker, so they are hidden in the vehicle’s blind spot.
The size of the motorcycles used in accidents also has an impact on the likelihood of serious injuries. Motorcycles are significantly smaller than cars, and their frontal surfaces are the first surfaces to be seen by other vehicles in a collision. While motorcycle riders are more likely to experience injuries, it doesn’t mean that all motorcyclist accidents are dangerous. Motorcycle fatalities have been increasing since 1997. According to the National Highway Safety Administration’s National Center for Statistics and Analysis, motorcycle fatalities increased for the eighth consecutive year in 2004. Yet, motorcycle registrations increased by only 1 percent during the same time period.
They are more likely to be hit by a car
Motorcyclists are much more vulnerable to collisions than other types of vehicles. They are often hidden by larger objects. This means that motorists may not see them and they can suffer catastrophic injuries. Motorcycle riders often lack the protection of a car, leaving them open to a higher risk of fatality and catastrophic injuries. Statistics show that the Insurance Information Institute found that motorcyclists were 28 times more likely to die per mile than other types of vehicle occupants.
A recent study found that the most common time of year for motorcycle accidents was summer, especially July, August, and June. Similar studies have shown that these three months have the highest risk of a motorcycle being involved in a collision. Because people use motorcycles more often during the summer, the number of motorcycle accidents tends to increase. Fortunately, motorcycle accident data show that there are preventable factors that can help minimize the risks of serious injury in the event of a motorcycle collision.